Teachers play a key role in student success and sometimes a simple “thank you” is all a teacher needs to feel valued. Since 1984, National PTA has designated the first week in May as a special time to honor the men and women who lend their passion and skills to educating our children. The GC PTA provides an opportunity for our school community to participate in a small celebration of thanks to those who educate and care for our children.
In early spring, the PTA and parents host a Staff Appreciation Luncheon in each of our seven school buildings. The school Staff Appreciation Committees and the Staff Appreciation Chairperson plan and organize all aspects of these events. Staff appreciation luncheons provide all school families the opportunity to participate in these celebrations through convenient on-line sign-up tools. This Committee works directly with the Staff Appreciation Chairperson and School PTA Director. This Committee has a Committee Chairperson and School Building Representatives.