CLICK HERE to purchase tickets for the annual PTA dinner, taking place March 26, 2025, 6:30pm at the Garden City Hotel.
Every ticket grants access to delicious David Burke dinner buffet, a performance by the HS Jazz Band, live DJ, dancing and a chance to win fabulous prizes.
Grab your friends and reserve a table!
This is the PTA's biggest fundraiser of the year, with 100% of the net proceeds directly supporting our children in all seven Garden City Schools. Don't miss this fantastic community tradition!
Not able to attend the Dinner? You can still support the PTA with a donation, or by donating to or participating in our raffle and virtual silent auction. Raffle Basket donations ($250+) and Silent Auction donations ($500+) are welcomed until TBD date; email dinnerdonations@gardencitypta.org for all the details.
We are sincerely grateful for the support of all our Garden City families, teachers and District administration. We hope you can join us on March 26th!
Ticket information to come!
Dinner Committee
Each year, we take time to honor a small group of dedicated community members for their years of care and work on behalf of the children of Garden City. At the 2025 GCPTA Dinner, we recognized and celebrated the commitment of: